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15 " Retail Kiosk Touchscreen Device Subscriptions

The Planning Division for the City of Orange, California, recently permitted us to begin installation and beta testing of our 15" Retail Kiosk platform. That is a good fit for Lottery Retailers, Liquor and Convenience stores, Car Washes and Dealerships, Truck Stops and Sports Bars.  Our kiosk devices offer the public a Free online educational service for players to help change the way they view and play the lottery.

The Tinkermen Lotto Report is a small startup company still in its development phase and is not affiliated with any US Lottery.

Be one of the first companies, convenience or liquor stores to let us help your lotto players see 'What's Next'  in lotto with our easy-to-use Lottery Prediction Kiosk Subscriptions debuting in 2024.


Advertising on our Kiosk


Reach local customers within your particle niche in your area with our unique Kiosk advertising platform that will allow you to target specific regions and locations precisely on our standalone Kiosk touchscreen displays, bringing added value to your company.


Choose from our 6, 15 or 30 second video advertising plan subscriptions.


Lotto Players will soon be the first to try out our easy-to-use Draw Pattern Predictions and Number Generation. With local access to our interactive touchscreen display devices located at select lottery retailer's. Making it even easier for players to choose lottery number combinations within draw patterns that are 'Most Due' when purchasing a lotto ticket.


Our Kiosk Predictions Website URL will also be available to players outside of convenience store locations around the world for use on smartphones and smart pad devices.


Our new kiosk prediction programs now list draw patterns 'Most Due' according to mathematical percentages making it even easier for players to choose which top draw patterns to play.


Our prediction rates have been running at 90% for over the past year for all six of the major lotteries that we make predictions for.


 Actual Correct Powerball Prediction that occurred on

June 14th, 2023

14 June 2023 PBL.jpg

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Thanks for submitting! We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Our first lotto prediction Kiosk device was installed on March 5th, 2024, at Puddles Car Wash, Anaheim, Ca.

Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics Reports and Number Generation Programs created by the Tinkermen Lotto Report are for educational purposes in order to teach lotto players about Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics.


Lotteries are made up of independent random draws, which are mathematically deterministic and that lead to probable outcomes over the course of time, due to the law of large numbers. 


This allows us to make future predictions based upon fairly consistent mathematical draw pattern phenomena in an attempt to help more people win the lottery. All rights reserved without explicit permission by the Tinkermen Lotto Report © 2024

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